Get support for your particular circumstance from a knowledgeable, trained and experienced mortgage professional.
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301 Rock Rose Lane
Petaluma, CA 94952
Connect With a Mortgage Loan Officer
Schedule a free, no obligation and pressure free consultation with Tam Funding’s professional mortgage loan officers. None of the Tam Funding team is on any minimum production quota whatsoever, thereby ensuring you get genuine advice and assistance in your best interest.
Schedule and Track Your Mortgage
Utilize our secure and extensive cloud based systems and helpful team members to schedule and track your mortgage to help you stay on top of your mortgage funding process.
Help With Refinancing Your Mortgage
From consolidating bills, a home improvement project, other equity cash out reason or just a simple rate reduction on your existing mortgage, Tam Funding’s professional mortgage loan officers are experienced in assisting you in understanding the choices available to you from our wide range of options.
Help With Your Home Purchase Mortgage
Tam Funding offers a range of purchase mortgage options from first time homebuyers, seasoned investors with multiple residential and commercial properties, purchase & construction combo loans, fix and flip financing, reverse purchases and more.

Tam Funding.
Tam Funding is a licensed broker under the CA Dept. Real Estate: 02009074. Broker of Record NMLS : 1403204. Corporate NMLS: 1829222. CA Dept. Insurance: OL88065.
Borrower Conditional Approval is issued only when lender underwriting supplies a written clearance to do so. Borrower Conditional Approvals are conditional, not guaranteed and subject to lender review of all borrower information. The final funding of the loan is dependent upon all borrower conditions being met. Rates indicated are subject to market changes and may only be available to certain qualified borrowers. Tam Funding is an Equal Opportunity Real Estate, Mortgage & Insurance Broker
Equal Housing Lender
National Mortgage Licensing System